Thursday, December 16, 2004

holy cranial hand grenade batman!

Wow! 7:00 a.m head pounding wake up hugging christina's feet on the couch. have no idea how I got there. 4 empty bottles of wine on the table. yeah must have been a fun one. I have mastered the art of work sleeping. So I turn my back to my office door facing my window outside. I put a copy of "The title report" (an industry mag) in my hand on my lap and bend my face down towards my "reading" material. I then fall sweetly into a restful slumber. In order for anyone to come talk to me they must first knock on my door. This in turn wakes me up and I turn around and say "Yes, what can I do for you?" key things to remember directly after waking up. 1)don't rub my eyes its a dead give away I was just sleeping 2) make sure not to do one of those starts when you wake up. a person just reading doesn't jump in their seat 3) where am I? again looking around trying to get your bearings just doesn't do your cause any good. I have to go to a birthday party for a girl I really don't like at all she's a completely self centered bore. and her nose hairs stick out of her nose. She really should trim them so no one can see them. tomorrow I 'm going to my mom's house to say happy b-day and eat cake. saturday I'm fixing my car then sunday I'm getting engaged. pretty busy weekend for me. I'm just glad I have all my shopping and wrapping done. even my macaroni picture frame for christina!


At 3:10 PM, Blogger Korean Celt said...

Of course, you must now use your fancy digital camera to take a picture of said macaroni frame so that I can see it.


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