Tuesday, February 07, 2006

its tuesday and its time to kick some butt

Well, its been a while since I' ve donated any thought to this little blog o mine. Since last I wrote a lot of stuff has gone on in my life! finished the Remedy project at work and started working on the Atreus project now. In addition I'm going to be going to Argentina in about a week or so. This is also quite exciting for me. We are going because I'm a groomsman in my buddy kevin's wedding. But Christina and I are going to do a ton of our own stuff. Like visiting the amazing architecture of Buenos Aires, Go to a Tango show in Monserat, White water rafting in Patagonia, fly fishing in a lake near San Martin De Los Andes any ways you get the picture we're going to be doing a lot of stuff over the 10 days we will be staying there. I'm pretty stoked about that actually.