Thursday, April 21, 2005

I am one lucky SOB

My sister is going to totally hate me forever. I won two ipod minis today!!!! from some lame oldies radio station that was broadcasting from a shopping center I was at during lunch time!!!! I had to listen to snippets of three oldies songs and give the singer and the song! I totally crushed!!! and won two 6 gig ipod minis!!!! I rock!!!!!! I'm going to go play the lottery because I am so lucky today its not even funny! the mega millions is 205 million! so I'm going to soon be very rich as well as have two ipod minis!!!!! now I have to figure out what songs to put on the dang thing!!!!! like every album I own and all the songs I have on my computer!!!! who knows eh. seriously what am I going to do to fill this thing up!!!!! I'm going to need to borrow a bunch of albums from my friends.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

begins the papalcy of Benedict the XVI

I was hoping for a more progressive cardinal to be elected pope. However, it is gods choice. I can only pray that he brings the church in a new direction bringing together the faithful. I also hope he makes strides to solve the issues within the church that are reducing its standing. We will see what happens. I don't really get to emotional about stuff. but when I was listening to it on the radio I got a shiver in my bones. It was pretty weird. anyways I gotta go get my mouth demolished by the dentist. I hope I can talk afterwards!!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Its Friday!

I am totally psyched its friday. I think I've come to notice something about myself. I think I'm an over achiever at work. I am an over achiever not because I get a strong feeling of satisfaction for doing a great job or anything like that. I think I over achieve out of guilt. I always feel like I'm not doing as much as everyone else. So I crunch and hall butt and go to the enth degree. At the end of the day everyone is telling me I work too much or too hard. I just think they are blowing smoke up my butt. So I continue to do the same thing. I think I make people feel uncomfortable that I'm all about the business at work. They don't know that I'm probably the coolest most fun person that they know! I just don't show that face a lot at the office. Mostly because I don't want my fellow work people to know the crazy crap I do on my time. I guarantee if they knew the sheer lunacy that is my "free" time they would think I need some serious help. ha ha ha
really thats a lie. I don't do much crazy stuff anymore. Not like I used to. Not like in the old days. When I did anything that came to mind. Boy were those the days. Now I'm left thinking if its a good idea before doing anything and invariably deciding its probably not a good idea. Every once in a while though I really just break off and do something truly insane and funny. An example last sunday my friend Adam croan packed up his apartment in the city and deposited all his belongings in his parents basement. He's leaving to take a trip around the world. for the next 3 to 4 months. But anyways he had a whole box of illegal fire works I'd say the box was probably about 3' long by 1.5' wide and about 1' high. Well it was chalk full of fire works like roman candles, cherry bombs, bottle rockets, black cats. . . you name it he had it in this box. So . . .we closed the moving truck up and didn't want to open it back up to put the fireworks in. So my friend croan gave the box to me. I didn't want to carry illegal fireworks on the metro so I poured a bottle of 151 proof of rum on the cardboard box and lit it on fire to see if the fireworks inside would all catch fire and explode.

guess what. . . they did! and it was awesome. I really pissed off all his neighbors! but it was sooo cool!
it was like saturday night in mosul I swear! it was wicked. we promptly drove off/ran away shortly there after but it was pretty cool. I didn't tell my fiance because she would probably respond. "Mike were you being crazy again!" Which in all honesty I was. It was completely innappropriate but hella fun!

Anyways. I'm going to finish writing the requirements documents for this new software I'm developing today. That way I'll be a total week ahead of schedule.

And I have to run a 5k for the mentally disabled kiddies tomorrow morning. I'm really looking forward to that! not really but I want to help the kids so I'll be there!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The world is changing all around me!

Can't it just stay the same for a while? The pope passed away on friday. I'm left split over the whole thing. He is really the only pope I can remember since I've been alive. He was a great man who really had some amazing achievements as the spiritual leader of millions possibly billions of people. He helped with the break down of th communist Soviet union! I also am glad that he is no longer suffering and is in heaven with the Lord. I now pray that our new pope is an innovator and renewer of the faithful. The church has been getting bashed a bit in recent history. I feel its time to make new strides to make the church more inclusive instead of exclusionary in its nature. Well Thats all have to say about that.